Thursday, July 23, 2009

If time were money...

Yes, if time were money, I wouldn't have two minutes to rub together this summer.

Thus, the one-day-shy-of-a-month-long blog hiatus I've involuntarily taken.

And I really have no business being on here today other than I needed to post SOMETHING so that I can say I've never gone an entire month without blogging.

I miss you, blog. I really do. I can't tell you how many posts I have thought up in my head and how many backs of receipts have little notes written on them with blog ideas....but they never make it beyond the bottom of my purse or the back of my head.

So, now that we're in back-t0-school countdown mode, (3 weeks from tomorrow, but who's counting, right?) I had to just check in and say that I'll be back.