Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Michael Jordan

So, I mentioned the other day about our MJ project going on at home. John's school has a "parents-hands-on-do-it-at-home" project each quarter, so this time it was all about an African American history/biography subject.

I did the two projects last semester with John and it about did us in. Weeping and gnashing of teeth for both of us. He is the CLASSIC first-born: wants to do it all himself, he has it all under control and can handle it, thankyouverymuch. Therefore, I informed Michael that the next project was his. All his. I was DONE.

I thought I'd feel completely relieved and relaxed knowing that Michael was in charge of this one....but, can I tell you how hard it was for me to keep out of it?

Well, for one thing, one of my gifts to this world is that I don't procrastinate. Really. I don't procrastinate. So, when we were at T-48 hours for the project deadline and the two of them are outside playing basketball/baseball/chatting up the neighbors all weekend, I was getting a little nervous.

Last weekend, however, they did print off a wikipedia article on MJ, but the fight that ensued when Michael told John to read the whole thing (It's 18 pages!!!!! Why do I have to read all 18 pages!!! I already know everything about Michael Jordan!!! I just want to skim it and find the information on his education!!! I'm NOT reading 18 pages!!!") completely canceled out the punctuality of said research. It got to be comical after awhile--the time spent bemoaning the 18 page article (5 of which were citation pages, btw) could have been spent reading the 18 page article 2 or 3 times over. Again, classic firstborn.

So, as you can see, it wasn't all smooth sailing for Michael--he endured his own bout of weeping & gnashing of teeth over the wikipedia incident.

They got it done, though, people--got it done!! It is a beautiful project and I was glad to have taken my hands off and left them to it. If John gets a better grade on this than he did on the "Chocolate Fever" book report/poster project I helped with, Michael may get hired on to do the final quarterly project as well.

So, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls: Without further adieu, I want to present to you.....

MICHAEL JORDAN, by John, 2nd grade

Make sure you read the text below--it's rich, I tell you:

P.S. I think I totally impressed my dad last night on the phone when he said he just saw MJ on tv at a NC/Duke game. He said, "you know, Michael Jordan went to college at North Carolina." In turn, I replied, "yes, that would be where he studied cultural geography." Anything else you need to know?

1 comment:

Retta said...

Oh my gosh, I am laughing hard. Not at you, because Jack's book report is due tomorrow, and he is also the first born. Jonah, who is in kdg, has a "family project" of mapping out his room from a "bird's eye view" (does he even know what that is?!) due on Thurs. So I am laughing in total empathy and understanding. DOWN with the family projects already!!!!