Friday, October 28, 2011

So, it has been a little while...

I'm not going to make any big apologies other than to say there is a VERY good reason I haven't updated ye olde bloggethness in over 2 years. I'll be able to explain it better in pictures.
When I started this blog, here's what our family looked like:
Notice the youngest little dude and his immobility. It was a lovely, lovely stage of development. But, as healthy babies are prone to do, they do indeed evolve into movers and shakers. Some become more "mover" than "shaker". This particular young lad would most definitely land on the "more" side of both the movers and and the shakers growth chart. Let's take a little photographic tour....
So, THIS....
turned into THIS.....
which turned into THIS...
And THIS...
If you have any question about where the last two years of my life have gone, I could sum it up undoubtedly by saying I have been saving life in particular....and it's been well worth it, but BOY am I glad to have celebrated his 4th birthday!

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