Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Christmas: A Season of Thanks & other randomness

Things I'm thankful for this Christmas season:
1.  Chocolate covered Christmas treats
2.  Cookie Swaps
3.  Cranberry Margaritas at the new Vanderbilt Chuy's
4.  Spanx

In other news:
I want off the merry-go-round!!  The last week of school before Christmas break is NUTS.  Every. single. year. If you have school-aged children, I'm sure your schedule looks a little something like this:
Monday 9am-1pm:  2nd grade field trip to Traveller's Rest Plantation
Monday 8:00-9:30 pm:  Middle School Band Concert
Tuesday 9:15 am:  2nd grade Christmas program
Tuesday 12:00 pm:  Women's Ministry Planning Meeting
Wednesday: NOTHING.  Don't call me--I'm not answering the cell tomorrow.
Thursday 10:00 am:  preschool Christmas program; middle school teacher's luncheon
Friday 8:30-11:30:  2nd grade holiday party; 5th grade party--send chocolate covered pretzels; don't forget teacher and bus driver gifts.

Add to these "special events" (which--let's face it....when they're all crammed into the same week, the special-ness seems to fade...): the normal carpooling, Sunday School teaching, laundrying, cooking, parenting/wifeing/familying/neighborlynessing duties and I can only say that I want off the merry-go-round! 

I will get my chance to get off this merry go round in just a few days....school gets out at 11:30 on Friday and they are mine-all-mine for the next 19 days.  YOWZA. 

At that point, I will begin subjecting my children to bad jokes 24-7...  For instance, this morning John came downstairs wearing a red shirt and khaki pants.  (You know--the Target employee uniform).  Every time somebody wears that combination....well, I. cannot. resist. asking. them:  "what time does your shift start?"  "Sir, can you help me locate the batteries and lightbulbs?" "Do you happen to carry vacuum cleaner bags for an upright Dirt Devil?" Or some other random Target-stock-related question.  This is perhaps the most overused "joke" in my repertoire...it only gets an eye roll these days.  I tried SO HARD to not make the "joke" this morning, but well...."Excuse me, can you help me locate the anti-diarrheal medications??"  (You may be wondering just exactly who IS the middle schooler in my house after reading this last paragraph.)

And on that note....Merry Christmas!

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