Tuesday, September 8, 2009

President Obama's Speech, according to a 5 year old

Maddy, did you listen to the president's speech today?

"Yes. President Obama talked about having failures and not failing anymore and remembering your failures. His wife did some failing too. But now they don't fail anymore. People shouldn't fail. Then he said to think about the times you fail. If you fail, you should try next time to not fail."

I guess I should be glad that she is no longer failing to call him by his correct name....remember when he was O'Bracka?


allie said...

Courtesy of my friend, Heidi:

"Molly, did you listen to President Obama at school today?"

"Yes, Mommy, and he said that we aren't allowed to take friends home on the #3 bus in the afternoons."


The Jacobson Family said...

So girls what did the President say?
Ysabel- "He told us to wash our hands."
What do you think of him?
Ysabel- "Well, he looks good."