Friday, September 11, 2009

We'll call this one "Freewrite"

Here's a little catch up post for you. I've actually gotten back into the blog swing again this week, but they've mostly been child-related metaphors and anecdotes. Or just stories about my kids if you're not all fancy like me with your literary terms.

Anyhow. we are super busy. This is our first year to play Fall Baseball for John and his dad is the coach which brings with it a certain level of.....oh, I don't know what you'd call it, but I'll give it a whirl and say....a certain level of conflict. It's a kid-pitch season and John has never played kid-pitch. However, as you may have already guessed, he believes that he possesses a heavenly gift for the mound though he's never pitched before in his life. So, when his dad broke the news to him that he wasn't going to be pitching the first game of the season, it was not received with open arms. This season is going to be useful in helping him learn to handle disappointment, I suppose.

Two kids in school and one toddler at home has been a good thing for me so far! I still have a list a mile long of projects I'd been saving for this very moment....hoping to get cracking on that. I canceled my house cleaner (join me in a moment of silence as I mourn this loss....) because I do find that I have some "extra" time and also Will is going to Mother's Day Out on Thursdays. But still....there are all those things in the storage room/attic that I want to put in the YMCA consignment sale next week; computer desk to put on Craigslist; couch to put on Craigslist; need to go to KY to pick up couch from my parents (they're moving to a new place and we benefit greatly!); thinking about finishing off the storage room to make a bedroom for John (where the heck will I put all that "STUFF" that's in there now?!); throw in a lot of laundry, baseball and dance to taxi the kids to, PTA obligations, dinner to cook, workouts to sweat through......well, it all adds up.

However, if there's anything I've learned through the years, someway, somehow, it all gets done! I've been here before and I don't know how it happens, but all those things will get marked off my list.

OK--enough with the serious. It's going to be a full weekend--Maddy is going to see Thomas the Train tomorrow with Mimi, then to a birthday party. Michael has a baseball coach's clinic for a couple hours tomorrow as well. Then Sunday we will, once again, celebrate my 29th birthday!! ;o)

1 comment:

Raegan said...

With all of that going on, I feel you can totally justify keeping your cleaning lady...just saying!:)