Monday, February 23, 2009

The Excuse

In case you're wondering why I don't blog NEARLY as much as I used to, I have decided to do a little photojournalism piece to demonstrate.
Will is, as I like to say, busier than both of my other children ever thought about being....combined. For instance, today at the Y nursery (in the completely babyproofed room with carpet on the walls and nothing but toys to play with), the nursery workers informed me that he's been getting in a bit of mischief. He tries to climb on top of the "kitchen" center and likes to take the taped name tags off the other children (to eat).


These pictures were all taken in one morning, I believe. Here is Will's workmanship:

Cleaning out the file cabinet for us.

Cleaning out the pantry for me. Took all the potatoes out and launched them up onto the counter.

Pulling all the books off John's bookshelf.

This is just a small sampling of what my day looks like, thanks to Will. I left out the "dangerous" things he has done/gotten into--I think I've rescued him from the claws of death more times than I care to count (like opening the dishwasher to get a peanut butter-coated knife to run around the house with....and he is allergic to nuts.)

Therefore.....I have loads of blog posts swimming around in my brain, but lest I leave him unattended, they will go unwritten for now. And of course, if he's napping, I'm crashed too. :o)

Which is where I'm headed right now...


Hollye said...

The potato thing cracked me up. Kennedy is still into everything in our house. Drives me insane!

Raegan said...

Oh my! Max has just started moving, and this post reminds me of what is to come...Yikes! I think this stage is when I was constantly sweating with Mallaney.