Saturday, February 28, 2009

Pictures I've meant to post for awhile but just never downloaded from the camera until yesterday

This one is just very very cute. I have a video of him climbing over this red chair to get onto the piano bench, but I can't figure out how to get it uploaded onto here. All this newfangled technology....

These two are all about Valentine's Day. School parties, family fun....just love love love. They both got lots of cards in the mail and treats from grandparents and aunts and that just delights them like nothing else! We did end up taking them to the Y to swim that night, then out for dinner and they had a ball.

The Winter Storm of 2009. Don't worry--I was fully stocked up on bread & milk, so we didn't go hungry during the days of being shut in... ;o)

Here are those dang graham crackers that I left out on the patio for DAYS (weeks?). I blogged about them a time or two. The open package on the table were quite soggy (they're covered in snow here), but there was an unopened package still inside the box that were unscathed and quite tasty.

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