Thursday, April 23, 2009

Race Expo

Michael & I went down to the Expo this afternoon around lunchtime to pick up our race packets, numbers, shoe chips and all the soybar freebies one girl can handle.

And just how many soybar freebies could I handle? Well, half of one to be exact. And it wasn't even was a sample. Darn those things--I always want them to taste like a candy bar and would you know, they never do? I'm just waiting on a healthy candy bar to be invented and I shall give them all the free advertising they'd ever want on my blog. Which is very tempting, I'm sure, seeing as how there are at least a dozen of you out there (Hi Mom!). Anyways, the "peanut butter cookie" Luna bar or whatever brand they were dishing out tasted

I managed to train these past 4 months or so and stayed completely injury free. It was remarkable. However, I almost blew it all today at the Expo when I stubbed my toe on Will's stroller. Seriously--how devastating would that be?

Old Friend I See in Kroger Check Out Line: "Hey Ellen, how'd you do in the race?!"
Me: "Well, I didn't get to participate: injury."
OFISIKCOL: "Oh, IT Band? Achilles troubles?"
Me: "No.....not exactly...."
OFISIKCOL: "Tendonitis? Runner's Knee?"
Me: "No, I stubbed my pinkie toe really bad at the Expo when I was picking up my race packet."

Thankfully, I think I'll recover in time for the race on Saturday.

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