Friday, January 9, 2009

Another Various Asundry

*No I'm not going to blog "The Biggest Loser" this season. It looks to be pretty good, though--we watched the Premiere the other night & we're hooked for another one. But, don't think I'm going to invest the time into blogging it each week in light of the fact that...


Yes, we merely waste our time the other 7 months of the year just waiting for American Idol to dawn each January through May. It is good TV, people! I'll probably do a little blogging about AI this year instead.

Other stuff:

Crafty Kim & Crafty Catherine struck again this Christmas. Check out these cookies! They were amazing to look at and eat.

*Speaking of cookies...I made it through the holidays with only .5 pound weight gain, thanks to Sparkpeople! Now I'm working on the next 6 pounds and I'll be right where I want to be. Lost the initial 7 pounds that made me join the Sparkpeople website/plan. Now I'll work on Goal 2.

*Speaking of Goal 2...I signed up to run the Country Music 1/2 Marathon again this year. My neighbor & friend Micah is going to hold me to it. She's focussed and diligent, she is! I'm sure I'll live through it, but it's looking like it could be an intense training regimen this spring.

1 comment:

Raegan said...

Good for you, Ellen! I ran a 1/2 marathon in 2002, and it was definitely intense training. Can you imagine what training for a whole marathon would be like?