Sunday, November 20, 2011

Check your local cable listings before you clean your house

This is the part of my blog in which I become overwhelmed with the state of my house.

I had planned to start decorating for Christmas yesterday and I got my kids all pumped up for the momentous occasion:

Moi:  "Who wants to decorate for Christmas today?!?!?!?!" 

Offspring:  "MEEEE!!!!" "Me Me Me Me!"  "I wanna decorate for Christmas!  I can't wait!" "Score!"

Moi:  "OK's what we need to do:  YOU, there, boy--take out the trash.  Daughter: pick up all your coats! [editorial note--she has jackets aplenty so it really IS an overwhelming task]  Puzzle boy:  PUT THE PUZZLES AWAY. ALL OF THEM."

Offspring: "Ummm....errrr, actually, we aren't all that interested in decorating for Christmas.  In fact, if cleaning is involved as a precursor to decorating we'd just rather not celebrate Christmas this year..."

So, we didn't. Instead, I accidentally fell asleep.  I like to say it happened on accident, but if I'm going to be completely honest, I may or may not have employed the use of ear plugs and room darkening "intentional napping" might be a more accurate description of what went on, but it makes me feel better when I think of leaving my equally exhausted husband on an unexpected solo parenting journey for the entire afternoon. So there.  I accidentally took a very long winter's nap. With ear plugs.

All that to say, we didn't decorate for Christmas, but in light of the fact that I got a mid-day phone call from hubs who had invited some friends over to watch the Vandy/UT game at 6pm, I made the kids pick up the WRECK of a bonus bribing them with cookie dough.  Oh yes I did.  Now, I know what you're thinking:  "bribe your kids?  for cleaning up THEIR mess?  How dare you!"  Don't judge, people...don't judge... you do what you gotta do sometimes when the impromptu football viewing party is less than 1 hour away from commencing at your home.

What's REALLY funny about all of this is that my husband did not happen to check what channel this game was on.  We have a pretty hefty cable channel load, but apparently not as hefty as required for watching this particular game.  VU/UT was on ESPNU and ESPN 3D.

Good news:  we have ESPN3D! 
Bad news:  We don't have a 3D TV
Bad news:  we don't have ESPNU...
Good news:  our best next door neighbors do!
Bad news:  they don't give one rip about VU or UT 
Good news:  they are good enough friends to let a party of 12 crash in their bonus room.  (We owe you big time K & V!)

All that last minute scurrying and cleaning occurred just so we could fix a plate of food and walk next door to the neighbors house.

That said:  Less than 24 hours ago, my house was clean...picked up...organized, even!  Because we entertained last night (lets use the term "entertained" involved bags of salad, frozen pizza and pre-mixed cookies that require an egg & a cup of oil). Therefore, I had a lovely, clean, picked up, organized home as I'm prone to when we "entertain" (again--use the term very, very loosely).

We then spent the entire evening next door, followed by a morning at church.  Do the math and realize that we have now been in our house for about 4 hours of actual usage time and it is a WRECK. 

3 puzzles + 2 types of Legos + Pretzel and triscuit crumbs + Little People (the Fisher Price toys AND actual little people)  + Hot Wheels = ONE BIG HOT MESS

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