Friday, November 4, 2011

Friday Linky Loo 11.4.2011

Here's what I've been reading this week that I thought was worthy of passing along:
This is a funny look at the different people you might find working "behind the scenes" with your children at church on Sunday. I most definitely fall into category #1. Let's face it: if you're a parent, you're doing children's ministry 24/7/365. I absolutely cherish the Sundays I don't have to work in the nursery (or be a greeter or pick up the donuts or etc etc etc...what can I say---we go to a young church plant! All hands on deck...) But I know I must do it because, well, I have 3 kids using the children's ministry facilities and staff each Sunday, so I gotta pitch in!
I mentioned in my last post that I am going all out for Christmas decor this year. While my decorating "oomph" has plummeted over the last years of childrearing, my Christmas music listening has skyrocketed! Check out her list of music to tune into this year. I second her recommendation for Dave Barnes' album that came out last year. Simply marvelous...and not just because he does a cover of the all time greatest Christmas pop tune of all time: "Mariah Carey: All I want for Christmas is YOU." The whole album is great...but particularly that track! Listen and love it.
Congratulations to the St. Louis Cardinals on their World Series victory! If you are wanting to get a cake to celebrate the big win...don't go to any of the bakeries featured on the Cakewrecks blog.
That's it for today. It's been quite a week: I have one child with pneumonia; one with strep throat and another headed to a sleepover in just a few hours....Needless to say....The Redbox: it is our friend.

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