I'm about 48 hours post-race experience and have all but forgotten the torture I faced just a short time ago. I keep looking up my results online and staring at the numbers and splits, partly wondering what I could've done differently and how I could've trained better to knock a few minutes off that time. I also look at the final number and am in awe that it wasn't much higher, considering how hot it was that day and how I hadn't had a training run anywhere close to the high temps we experienced.
My legs feel great today. Yesterday was sore and I definitely took the elevator at church to avoid the long steep staircase, but today I feel good. I met my friend Amy at the trails and went for a 3.5 mile walk to eke out the final soreness and now I'm feeling real good.....good enough to plot out my next race, I do believe.
I'll leave you with this picture of my crew soon after we all finished--smiles all around!
If you've ever thought about running, but don't think you could do it....please take a note from me: If I can do it, ANYONE can do it. I never ran a day in my life until about 4 years ago. Right after I had Maddy, I was looking for a way to lose the baby weight and have a hobby I could keep all to myself. I went to Fleet Feet and bought a pricey pair of shoes, knowing that the right equipment would make a big difference between quitting and sticking with it. I signed up for a 5K race and it began from there.
July 4, 2004 My first 5K (Firecracker 5K)
Labor Day 2004 My first 10K (Franklin Classic)
October 2004 My first half-marathon (Louisville, KY)
I am by no means an athlete--I have had to learn how to do this the hard way, but it's something that I have learned to love. I did not love running the first year or so that I did it, but I stuck with it and now am at the point where I CRAVE the sweat and feeling you get when you are done. Give it a try!
Wow, I actually start believing anyone could do it! How do you find the time to train, being mother of three?
May....well, it's tricky! But, worth the effort. I go to a gym to workout that has free childcare (up to 2 hours a day), so I certainly take advantage of that.
YES ANYONE CAN DO THIS! I'm sorry to yell, but I believe so strongly....that if I can do it...ANYONE can do it!
And, of course, my house isn't as organized and clean as I'd like and I wish I was better about meal planning, etc....so the running definitely takes up some of those moments, but at this point I'm enjoying it too much and my family isn't complaining, so I'm keeping with it for now.
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