Friday, November 21, 2008

Dangerously close to 100 posts!

Yes, as the title suggests, we are getting very close to the Centennial Post Celebration (CPC) here on "Welcome to my Blog. Won't You Come On In."

This post is #98. Only 2 more and we'll be much farther along than I ever thought I'd be! I have officially posted about 94 posts MORE than I ever thought I would. I thought I'd try it; do a few posts; realize I didn't have time or material to keep it going; and then slowly fade away into the back of the web...

So, here I am 98 posts later and I still don't really know what I'm doing or why I'm doing it.

Why do I blog? I really don't have a great answer to that. I probably do it for a variety of reasons...I do it to keep my family up to date with our kids and their lives. I do it because I like to write. I guess I just do it because I can. It's a fun way to feel "published."

SO...for the next 100 posts, I welcome any comments, criticism, suggestions for topics...whatever you got, I wanna hear it.

I'll do a special "Centennial Post Celebration" (CPC) post in a few days to commemorate the event. If you have any Q&A you want to have a comment or email me and I'll do my best to get it on for the CPC.

Have a great weekend!

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