Friday, August 1, 2008

Baseball Biker

In years to come, when I think back to Summer '08, this image will come to my mind. (And my neighbor's minds as well). John (7) has been seen at all hours of all days riding his bike around our 'hood with a GIANT batting helmet on his head. His bike helmet is too snug, so he says, so this is his viable option for optimum cranial safety since his mother can't seem to remember to buy him a new one at Walmart. Several neighbors have told me that they get quite a chuckle when they see this moving red target coming down the street.

Update: I am ALREADY being censored on my blog. Where is the 1st amendment when you need it, people?!? Anyways, the 7 yr old subject wandered by the computer as I was writing this post and saw the original title of this post ("Little Red Riding Helmet"--very clever, don't you think?) and he objected vehemently. "That is too girly!" he exclaimed. He begged me to change the title to "Baseball Biker" I did. And, of course, we just got home from Walmart where we guessed it...a new bike helmet.

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