Thursday, August 14, 2008

We're reunited and it feels so good...

Thanks to the love and prayers sent up on behalf of Maddy & "Kitty" the Terrier puppy, they were reunited. (She was hiding in our garage). Everyone should sleep well tonight! Here is a photo of "Kitty" in her play area that Maddy has designed for her.

Unfortunately, however, Kitty has ceased taking the place of human playmates in Maddy's life. Today, she was distraught over not having any little girls to play with. I suggested she play with Kitty, but that was met with dismay. "She's not a real human! She doesn't move unless I move her. She doesn't say real words--just words that I make her say! I want to play with somebody who talks and moves without me making them do that! She doesn't even wear clothes!"

She has such high expectations for her friendships.

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