Friday, August 1, 2008

Bazinnias and Tomatoes...or the study of genetics in the green thumb

We went to the Bahamas a few months ago for our 10th anniversary (T-E-N years!!! Yikes…we’re aging.) Anyways, my mother came from KY to babysit. As if the care & nurture of three children weren’t enough responsibility, she dug into a little educational landscaping project in our backyard. She & Maddy (4) planted a garden. It is absolutely delightful to hear her little girl voice pointing out all the flower’s names in the garden (and subsequently around town…”they really shouldn’t have planted those black eyed susans where they did, because now you can’t see the low-lying verbena behind them…”)

Maddy's FAVORITE flower, by far is the “bazinnia”. What’s that? A new species of the zinnia, you ask? No, no, it is just the plain ol’ zinnia, but she insists that they are called bazinnias.

So…to pay tribute to my daughter and her overachieving grandmother, here is the pictoral proof that the green thumb gene does indeed skip a generation.

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