Monday, August 4, 2008

Speedracer, The Baby

So, it was pointed out to me yesterday that I have no pictures of child 3 on the blog. I'll introduce you to him now. Will is 10 months old and oh so busy! We seriously thought we struck gold when we had him because he was so easy, so laid back, so good at the important things like, oh, I don't know...SLEEP. I distinctly remember telling a friend a few months ago that I felt the Lord was blessing us for our faithfulness to Him by giving us such an easy baby. ;o) Oh, I was kidding...a tad. Anyways, easy baby became M-O-B-I-L-E baby and our life was turned upside down! He was on the move WAY sooner than our other two had been and he is lightning fast! When we were planning our Bahamas anniversary trip several months ago, we asked my mom to watch the kids and promised that Will would be SO easy because he wouldn't be on the move yet and would be in that happy phase where babies like to just sit in one place and play with toys. Well, he never hit that stage. In fact, he completely skipped that stage. Wouldn't you know that he was climbing stairs, cruising, into all drawers and cabinets...and the house hadn't been properly babyproofed yet.

The Y childcare workers have nicknamed him "Speedracer" and the church nursery workers always look at me in pity when I pick him up and say something like "You poor thing, you must be worn out! That is the busiest baby I have ever seen..."

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