Update on the Lollipops, Maddy's soccer team:
We've played 4 games and have won 1, lost 2, and tied 1. How do you say that in soccer-ese? 1-2-1? not sure. Anyways, there are only 2 girls who have actually scored goals for the Lollipops...and one of them isn't on our team (poor thing, scored in the wrong team's goal. )
So, yesterday, they were really having a rough game--moving slow and just out of it, in general (which isn't too unusual, I know...but it was a little more than we were used to.)
My friend Tracy, in her beautiful Scottish accent, described their look on the field quite well: "Oh my. Looks like the girls were all out drinking together last night."
My family has all asked me if Maddy cares about losing and I have to say that she is so very different than her brother John in that respect. When he plays a game of anything (heck, it could even be backyard football, and I am not joking!), he analyzes each play, each strategy, each player's strengths and weaknesses...the list goes on. He definitely has a future in sportscasting. Maddy, however, doesn't even know who won. SERIOUSLY. She doesn't even ask if they won. Her main goal in playing soccer is to visit with her friends and to drink Gatorade.
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