Recap from last week: MAJOR drama. Amy voted Brady off--(Vicky's husband.) Vicky is viciously vindictive. (That right there was some good alliteration, huh? My English degree finally gets used!) Heba and Ed are very quiet during Vicky's rants and raves about her anger toward Amy. It's confusing because Vicky has been PLAYING the game this whole time and now when Amy makes an obvious choice to play the game as well, Vicky acts shocked and betrayed. HELLO! There's only ONE Biggest Loser each season.....
So, it's 80's Week. This should be entertaining.
And, yes it is. These outfits are outrageous (more alliteration for ya).
Ziplock. Product Placement Palooza (What's the word of the day? Alliteration.)
Amy. Amy, Amy, Amy. Why are you making apologies to Vicky for voting the way you did last week? Really. Amy! You have nothing to apologize for! You voted to win the game!
Weigh In:
Michelle: Lost 8 pounds
Renee: Lost 8 pounds
Ed: Lost 11 pounds
Heba: Lost 7 pounds
Colleen: Lost 3 pounds
Amy: Lost 8 pounds (Yea! I like her.)
Vicky: Lost 6 pounds
Vicky & Colleen are below the yellow line. This will be VERY interesting...Amy has the swing vote once again.
And going Colleen. DANG. She didn't do it. Amy!!! You disappointed me twice this week! First the apology to Vicky about voting for Brady last week and had a chance to clean the house out...and you didn't. Dern it.
Alright. Another week down. Just a few to go...
I knew she wasn't going to do it. Brian thought for sure she would. Now she has no one looking out for her. The black team will vote her out in a heartbeat and Vicky won't let it goes until Amy is out. I was disappointed. I know that Michelle gave her that penalty for that specific reason. Dang it Amy.
She's toast! That was the stupidest move she could have made. Like Heba and Ed are ever going to vote Vicky out ahead of her. Big Mistake, Amy!
SHe is total toast....I was totally not expecting her to vote Colleen off!
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