Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Biggest Loser Week 6, Oct 21

Alright people, here we go. Another week at the ranch.

Blue team goes to Self-defense lessons. That would be so scary to see that big ol’ dude coming at you. My prediction: Heba gets it done. I think she’s going to take this dude down in a way no other class participant ever has. She takes care of business, now doesn’t she?

The Challenge
Balance…over water…round and round. 25 times.

Vicky is a sore loser in my mind. She totally downplayed the Black team’s victory (and her loss) in the challenge. “I didn’t really want to win. It was a lame prize anyway.” That is such poor sportsmanship! No love for Renee who just completely kicked it in that challenge!

Good, good. Bob is giving it to them. I am glad he sees the blue team’s pettiness for what it is. I agree--do your best no matter the prize. Full force effort.

Oh, and I really don’t like Vicky’s eye makeup either. (How’s that for petty?)

Last Chance Workout:
Jillian: “If you’re not puking, you’re just not working hard enough.”

Weigh In:
Black Team
Renee: Lost 7 pounds
Michelle: Lost 7 pounds
Colleen: Lost 8 pounds
Phil: Lost 7 pounds

How do you feel about that number? “I just hope it’s enough to help my team.” They always say that!

Blue Team
Amy: Lost 6 pounds
Heba: Lost 5 pounds
Vicky: Lost 8 pounds
Amy P: Lost 2 pounds

Amy’s upset about her small loss…afraid of going home, but I think she has nothing to worry about. Here’s why: before Brady weighs in, Michael & I have a theory to throw out there. Brady & Vicky are evil. They are going to completely throw this weigh in. They want to get rid of Heba. She’s the biggest threat by far and we’re guessing he has purposely water-loaded (drank a bunch of water before the weigh in) to make sure their blue team LOSES this week in order to vote Heba off. Did you see that little wink Brady gave Vicky when she went to weigh in? Did you see the raised eye brows he threw out from the scale? E-V-I-L.

Let’s see if we’re correct. I promise not to edit all that out if we turn out to be wrong…I’m live blogging, you see, so we’re just going with the honor system here.

Brady: Lost 3 pounds
He & Vicky are HORRIBLE actors!!! It’s all over their faces.
Do they not remember a few seasons ago when Neal pulled this same prank?

Anyways, black team is safe.
Blue team is not safe….and I would guess that Heba is the one getting the boot tonight.

Let's see if we're right: And...

We were WRONG. But only half wrong. I still think Vicky & Brady threw the weigh in.

Going home this week is...
Amy P.

Here's why that was the wrong choice for the team: Amy P is not a threat. Heba and Brady are stiff competition for each other for the big prize--Heba had her chance to throw Brady off. She should've taken it--she's got to know that Vicky & Brady are going to turn on her at some point, right?

OK, enough brain space taken up by all this for one week.

Your thoughts? post a comment!


Hollye said...

I've not watched tonight's show yet, but I've not like V&B from the very beginning. They are jerks. She is such a negative person and he's just an arse who thinks he is better than everyone. If either one of them wins, I will be irritated. I was not loving Heba and Ed a couple of weeks ago, but now I am rooting for Heba.

Anonymous said...

I totally think Brady threw it... especially with the preview for next week...

Ellen said...

Jane--I agree! He'll be the one who loses the most next week since he waterloaded this week. All the weight he lost for 2 weeks will come off and it'll be more than the total for the other team.

They think we haven't seen these tricks before? :o)